I know you are excited and I know it's hard to wait but please remember, when you hire me, you are also hiring a designer to do the artistic renderings such as color accent, b/w versions, touch-ups, etc. I go over every photo to be sure it is print ready -- the first time around.
By touch-ups I mean acne, mosquito bites, bruises, shave burn, shine/sweat, or other unavoidable things. This takes time and I can only hope you try to understand that I want to do the best work possible. The beauty is that you never notice that you had to have a touch-up done! If for any reason you do NOT want any touch-ups done and do NOT want any artsy versions I can send them as-is unprocessed but will not discount and will not later process the archived images.
Other photographers have different procedures and may not release print ready images or can take a year to process so I don't think 10-14 weeks is unreasonable. To compare me to other photographers is like apples to oranges because I am so different in the process. I do my best to still get your images returned to you in a timely manner. In the end, just as I will probably never understand what your job
entails, some things will never be understood by those who do not do this line of work and I ask that you please trust me in mine. I guess that I will never make everyone completely happy and there will be opinions either way but at least I keep my process consistant and that is one thing you can count on.
In the meantime, if you need a couple images for a newspaper or such, I don't mind sending them ahead of time. Please send me a note.
If you are interested further, check my calendar for the latest wedding schedule, this too effects processing time and I apologize if this offends anyone but this is what I do for a living and that is how I was able to do it for you. And yes, someone has complained about this in the past.
I love you all and enjoy what I do. I couldn't ask for better couples so thanks again for your patience!