Thursday, June 18, 2015

Rest in Peace, Helen

This morning my cousin Helen passed away. In memory of her I wanted to share some stories. When I was a teenager I made it a point to get to know her. She was pretty much the only one left on my father's side and I wanted to take in all the information I could since my dad was no longer with us. She told me many stories of long ago and I learned a lot about my family history. She talked about her grandchildren, the smart one and the talented artist one. We would play Scrabble and UpWords together for hours. I loved her photography, she always had a camera in her hand and really had a talent of catching the best candid photos of people that I've ever seen. And, like so many others in Putneville, the memories of sitting on her porch. One memory is sitting chatting with my sisters and my nephew and niece, Dustin and Bryona. They were really little at the time playing, running in the yard and then we noticed they got really quiet. By the time we found them, Dustin was covered in coal soot from head to toe. We all tried to be serious because he was in trouble but all we could do is laugh. Rest in peace Helen and thanks for the memories. 

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