Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pinterest Hopefuls

A bride and groom being whisked away in an old fashioned bug decorated with the words "I Love You" on it as they drive off into the perfect sunset. Or a proposal done in the rain and then the next photo of them after they've wed leaning against an old fashioned train. All looks and sounds terribly romantic doesn't? I can't blame you for dreaming but once you return to earth continue reading.

I am addicted to Pinterest just as many as others lately but I have to admit, I'm a little worried about how it may give brides false hope. So I did some searching to see if I was the only one. One poor girl twittered: "Pinterest gives me false hope about my not so soon, probably never will happen, wedding." While others saying it made planning harder or made them second guess everything. So take a moment, step back and do a reality check. Is your wedding going to be on a beach? Do you have a horse and buggy? Are you going to have the courage to step out in your white wedding gown on a wet evening to do a photo opp?

It's so easy to pick out your favorite ideas so quickly and then you have an entire board of dreams. That's OK but just remember to make them your own realities that fit you and your husband to be. Make them possible and don't expect them to all happen even if you planned it because the sad news is the moon isn't always on your wedding day and even if it is, it may be cloudy. Don't let it rule your entire day either. Let go and have fun. This is supposed to be a fun processes not a stressful one. And hey, the sun may not always set perfectly on time to be after your first dance and toasts... but you may have a different unexpected surprise that awaits you with no planning involved!

Here is an article I found on this topic, quoting:

“I think it [Pinterest] is a nice way to share your creativeness with other people... However, Pinterest can give a false reality on weddings, she said. Some of the ideas on Pinterest are a little overboard... You can get some good ideas and make your own reality out of it,” Rankin said.

SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: Maybe by Ingrid Michaelson
CRAVING: warm bean dip and chips
NEEDED A MOMENT: sure to come
BEST MOMENT: day isn't over yet

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