Hi there, I plan to finish the Wheeler Wedding and slideshow this week. Then off for 5 days visiting my family. Then we will be back on schedule starting Bagramian Wedding. I also need to fit in about 2 days in December sometime to finish my family gifts for Christmas and since I'm not going to Pa. for Christmas like I normally do, I really want to take that time for them. As I said, October thru December weddings will be after the holidays. The only wedding that I am not sure of is Tritico Wedding, which may fall after the holidays as well. As always, thanks for your patience! This is where the key word "approx." 8-10 weeks comes in. :)
MY CURRENT PROJECT: Wheeler Wedding photos, then slideshow! Michael and Rachael engagement photos done. Ordon Wedding done but waiting on album prints.
Could I Have This Dance by Anne Murray
CRAVING: hot cider
NEEDED A MOMENT: snow? and am I really over coffee? chipper squawking loudly...
BEST MOMENT: yet to happen